Wednesday, January 26, 2011

F o o t b a l l ! I have to admit, I highly enjoy watching football, and its something I can do with the hubby! Now Patrick is a die hard Broncos fan, and has been trying to convert me over to the orange for the 6 years we have been together. So I play the good wife and buy him cool Denver stuff for his birthday and holidays, and I celebrate the wins and stay out of his way after the losses. But I grew up in a Packers house, and have to say that green looks better on me (orange just clashes with my hair!). So I stay nicely in the middle :o) But Oliver will not get away with that so easily! All season he has been wearing his Broncos jersey every Sunday and his Daddy smiles so big! But now Denver is out (sorry hun) and Green Bay is going to the Super Bowl! Yay! So now i have been able to dress Oliver in his Packers shirt (that i got scolded at for buying), and he looks so dang cute! But my little monkey will not allow me to take a good picture of him in it so i will have to try again later! But here are some good ones I have gotten through the last year, so enjoy!

This is how it is at Papa Lynn's House
Seamus, Papa Lynn, and Oliver

And this is how it is at home
Oliver celebrating a Touchdown
Oliver and Daddy

Monday, January 3, 2011

Oliver's First Birthday!!

I watched a movie once where the Mom had taken pictures of her kids the day before their Birthdays and made a book of their 'Last Day of Being...' and i thought it was a way cute idea! So everybody, this is Oliver's Last Day of Being a Baby!!!
Out of the tub and all dressed for bed!

Our Little Monkey is now 1! He is now a Big Boy! Holy Cow! His birthday was so much fun! his Daddy took the day off work so we got him all Stylin and gave him his presents! He got a Big Boy denim arm chair, a cute soft crown that has a 1 on it, and some awesome shirts that he gets to grow into for spring, then we took Mr. Oliver to the park! he loved the swings and was only so so on the slide.

After the park we visited my parents house, then just spent the rest of the day playing at home. And then came the cupcake! We had a party planned at my parents house to do all the October Birthdays two days later, so his Daddy bought him his very own cupcake for his Birthday dessert! And he LOVED it!

Beginning Middle End - Clean tray!! He even cleaned his face!

and then it was bath and bedtime! look at how cute he is in his big boy jammies!

Then we had his Toy Story 1st Birthday Party! I am determined to make the Toy Story movies his favorite, i think its such a cute story for little boys! wearing his Birthday crown with Grandma Sherri
Olivers 1st Birthday cake made by Auntie Lisa! he ate one of the heads and was so excited for more cake!
playing with his new blocks!

He is so big, and learning more and more every day, he is so smart! and he is a Walking Fool! he just walks from room to room and in circles all day long! and he talks, just jabbers the whole day! he can say some words, like Bubba, and he says Ba for both ball and baby. His newest favorite thing to say is Da Do, so he just walks around all day saying Da do da do, its so fun to watch him! He waves bye bye with both hands, claps when you say Yay and holds both arms over his head when you say Touchdown! he likes to give kisses and loves to be tickled. sleeps about 12 hours overnight and takes around 2 naps. he Loves to eat! he should have been named Bottomless Pit! he is a beggar boy and will be at your side getting your attention whenever you have food! so far he has only showed a dislike for spaghettios, which i think is odd. he weighs 23 pounds, even though he eats and eats he just runs and runs all day, so his size is about average. and he has soooo many teeth! he even has his front molars! he has one more about to break through and he is done teething until his 2 year molars! i cant believe how big he is and how much he grows and learns everyday! i am so happy to have such a smart child! he is my world!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Father !

I know that every little girl will say she has the best dad ever, but I really do have the Best Dad ever!! When I was growing up, every month he would schedule a Daddy Daughter Date on the full moon, and we would go get frozen yogurt, he would take me to Astronomy lectures and plays at Tuacahn, or I would get to tag along to job sites while he installed cabinets and I would be in charge of lugging around his very big cellular phone that was close to the size and weight of a gallon of milk. We would even go on trips together, I always got to go to any Scout event or meetings, to Family Camps and to the weekend Day Camp for the Boy Scouts - where he would have a special pink shirt made just for me! I was always his little helper, daddy's girl, and his Cassie Cuddles.
Me and my DaD!

And now its so much fun watching him play with Oliver! He will just pick him up and off they go! Oliver Loves his Papa Lynn! And he cant wait to go play in the dirt with him! So HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD! We Love You!
Oliver and Papa Lynn shaking it at a football game!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Seriously, how could you not LOVE this face!

That is all, continue on *<|:o)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I promised more pictures of Oliver's photo shoot with his Cousins, so here they are! I cannot believe that I have been an Aunt for 10 years!! These gorgeous girls are growing up way too fast! Oliver loves to watch them run around and sing and dance, and LOVES Baby Seamus! He keeps trying to pat him and we have to tell him to be so soft. I cant wait until they can run around together terrorizing the girls, it will be so much fun having Boys in the house!! It will definitely be a change!
I love my little man!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Mr. Serious.....

Today Oliver had his picture taken along with all of his cousins, and my happy smiley baby turned into Mr. Serious Face! I will admit that my Oliver has a temper and is very stubborn (both of his parents put together - boy are we in for a ride the next 17 years!!). But when he is in a good mood, having slept and fed, he is always laughing and growling and smiling and just non-stop! So why then when we get a camera out does he just sit and stare??

We were able to get a few good smirks out of him! I had one of his favorite little dudes that rattles up behind the camera and he started to go for it, so we got a very cute picture out of it! I cant believe our little man will be 1 years old next month! I miss my little snuggly baby that let me hold him for hours and would only fall asleep on his daddy's chest at night! But i am looking forward to the toddler years with running around outside and playing in the dirt! Plus he has his cousin Seamus to grow up with and will always have a little friend! I will post more pictures from this day later on, so stay tuned :o)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

10 Months Old!!

Oliver is now 10 months old! I cant believe how fast he has grown! He is such a big boy and has such a huge personality, along with a huge temper! he does not like to hear no, and will let you know if you do something he doesn't like. He spends all day with Momma but is a Daddy's boy through and through! It does not matter who else is in the room if his daddy is there. Here's some more fun facts about Mr. Oliver: he weighs about 21 pounds and is 29 inches tall * has just moved up to size 4 diapers * has 8 teeth! * loves food * likes to blow raspberry's on peoples skin (loves to do it on momma's shoulders) * loves his toys and balls * loves LOVES his new cousin baby Seamus, he will talk softer to him and always wants to touch him * has 3 different kinds of crawls - on his knees he can go pretty fast, does the inchworm, and the army crawl * Loves to stand * likes to play at the fridge with all the magnets * loves to pull out all his daddy's movies * will stand and watch you eat and pat your leg and does a little dance until you give him food * says DaDaDa and Daddy and Ba (baby) over and over * sleeps about 10 -12 hours through the night * has the most hilarious laugh * and just loves all his peoples! Here is some pictures of our little man, enjoy :o)

Tearing Daddy's movies off the shelves
(this has become almost a daily thing)

Who Me?

Taking a bath while camping

In his first Broncos jersey, daddy is so proud!

My cute little man, I Love you so much!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hello world!

this is our blog :-), welcome. it will mostly be about Oliver growing up and things he does, and me being a mommy, with bits of exciting parts about me and Patrick thrown in too. woo hoo *<|:o). I will apologize in advance, i sometimes have odd thoughts and will most likely share them, but those of you who are my friends will understand - its just Cassie Marie.

this was a Little Bit ago........

Meet Oliver, our non stop monkey! He was born on October 29 by c-section because he decided he was more comfortable being the wrong way! (stubborn child!) He then had to spend 4 days in the Nicu because he cried so hard and for so long that he popped a seam in his lung and started to leak air into his diaphragm :( But after the scary breathing mask, all the IV tubes and wires, and spending some time under the UV light, we finally got to bring him home! And he has been going going going ever since!

Big Scary breathing mask

But then he got to downsize :-)

Oliver's 1st Holloween! This is the first outfit i got to dress him in!

Under the UV light, im glad he only had to be under there for 1 day

Going Home!!

Oliver with Mommy

Daddy with his Oliver

So this was the beginning of Oliver! Soon you will see how he is now......